Yayoi Kusama is an 89-year-old Japanese artist, who continues...
Deepak Mehla
Working on building tools that will help people find quality content on social media platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc., so they can spend less time scrolling through the feeds and more time discovering new things!
Dania Farhat is her name and thinking out of...
If you ever happen to visit the social media...
If you don’t believe in reincarnation, you should start...
This sculptor, as a kid, must’ve been building castles...
Had it not been for Ilona, who graduated as...
You must’ve heard of people wearing their hearts on...
You have to hand it over to the Japanese...
Usually, it’s the incredible architecture of buildings, both present-day...
If you think only humans are capable of giving...
There are photographers who specialize in portrait photography or...