January 22, 2025

Image Via: <a href="http://risingtidecarwash.com/">Rising Tide Car Wash</a>

If you know what autism is, you’ll certainly appreciate the plight of those suffering from this disorder. Autism comprises a broad range of conditions that affect social skills, nonverbal communication, and speech. Its hallmark signs appear at the age of two or three. Little wonder unemployment among them is almost 90 percent.

However, persons suffering from autism may be challenged in many ways, but that doesn’t make them incapable of earning a living. In fact, they possess some unique strengths.

It’s his belief in them that led John D’eri to employ people with autism in his enterprise, called Rising Tide Car Wash, located in Florida. What motivated him to go in for autistic workers was his autistic son, for whom he wanted to create as full a life as he could. With this in mind, he started Rising Tide Car Wash and employed people suffering from autism.

The autistic workers of this scalable social enterprise, not only deliver a superb car wash experience to their consumers but also help change their perception about their capabilities. According to John, his employees enjoy the structured environment and like to do it the same way over and over again. They not only listen well, but also care about customer feedback. What’s more, they really enjoy what they’re doing.

There’s little doubt that Rising Tide Car Wash is sending a positive message to the community that people with autism can do good work and they ought to be given a chance. And this car wash is leading by example and helping these challenged people build a career of their own and achieve an independent lifestyle.

The best part is it’s not all charity for these autistic people employed by Rising Tide Car Wash, they really add value to it. So, it comes as no surprise that this car wash boasts of a friendly, helpful and professional group of people, who know how to handle a wide range of car wash services to provide the highest quality and affordable car wash in Florida.



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