February 5, 2025

Image Via: <a href="https://www.instagram.com/jacobs_food_diaries/">Jacob Food Diaries/Instagram</a>

Finding it difficult to make your little one eat healthy food? Well, it is time you browsed through Jacob’s Food Diaries website. If you are ignorant about this portal, you are missing out on something great.

It was in May 2015, when Jacob’s mother, Laleh Mohmedi, the resident of Melbourne, Australia, hit upon an idea to make her son eat pancakes that he was always reluctant to. What she did was something original, she baked the pancake in the image of a lion and offered it to him.

Jacob simply loved it and gobbled it up in no time. In fact, he fell in love with this form of food. This gave birth to Jacob Food Diaries and the rest, as they say, is history.

For Mohmedi, turning food into artwork served a dual purpose. One, she was able to tempt her son to eat healthy and junk the junk food, and two, she got the chance to rekindle her creativity. What’s more surprising is that her chef husband played no part in it!

Mohmedi’s real fame came when she put her food creations, in the form of Jacob’s Food Diaries, online. Within a month it caught the attention of leading media channels, such as ABC, CBS, Ellen, Martha Stewart, Sunrise, The Today Show (both of the USA and Australia)and many more.

For mothers who have to contend with their stubborn youngsters, Jacob’s Food Diaries has come as a godsend. Little wonder, it is enjoying unprecedented success worldwide. Not only this, Mohmedi was also taking the offer of collaborating with media giants and production companies, such as Disney, Jamie Oliver, Nickelodeon, Universal Pictures, 20th Century Fox.

Although Mohmedi’s creations only require a circle stencil and a sharp knife, the execution is not that easy. She has to first collect the right kind of fruits, vegetables, spelt pancakes and whatever her toddler fancies. Then she has to devote a minimum of30 to 45 minutes in visualizing and crafting a new character out of them.

What is great about Jacob’s Food Diaries website is it gives the recipes and methods of various kinds of fun health foods. It is not surprising that this online food community enjoys a following of over 26,700 followers. It also boasts of an endorsement from Jamie Oliver. At Instagram itself, it has a following of over 10,000 followers, while on Facebook it enjoys the attention of over 11,000 followers.

If ever there is food for fun, Jacob’s Food Diaries is the one!

Image Via: Jacob Food Diaries/Instagram

Image Via: Jacob Food Diaries/Instagram

Image Via: Jacob Food Diaries/Instagram

Image Via: Jacob Food Diaries/Instagram

Image Via: Jacob Food Diaries/Instagram

Image Via: Jacob Food Diaries/Instagram

Image Via: Jacob Food Diaries/Instagram

Image Via: Jacob Food Diaries/Instagram

Image Via: Jacob Food Diaries/Instagram

Image Via: Jacob Food Diaries/Instagram

Image Via: Jacob Food Diaries/Instagram

Jacob Food Diaries

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