February 22, 2025
Brazilian Visual Artist Paints His Daily Experiences In Unique Figurative Style 9

It seems this gifted Brazilian was born with art in his blood. Just a year after he’d taken a course in artistic drawings with Edegar Cavalheiro, he not only began his career in visual arts but also began teaching a course on drawing in Santo Ângelo, Brazil! This outstanding artist is Fabiano Millani.

This outstanding artist, while continuing to hone his artistic skills, also entered a state contest called ‘Descobrindo Talentos’, where his work won third place. He further added to his skills by enrolling in a course on contemporary painting with the visual artist, Tadeu Martins. Here, too, he proved his mettle by securing second place for his painting in the contest called ‘80 anos da Coluna Prestes’.

With creativity running in his veins, Millani widened his scope of art. In his search for realism, he took up the figurative style in the right earnest and painted several canvasses, inspired by his everyday experiences. During this time, he not only started teaching at the 7th Academic Week of Arts, Communication and Music in the University of Passo, São José, Brazil, but also expanded his reach to other cities in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

This São Paulo-born artist, who was raised in the Rio Grande do Sul, ultimately established his studio in Santo Ângelo, Brazil. Here he devotes full time to his visual artworks and also teaches painting and drawing. His paintings have earned him great popularity in his country. So, it wasn’t surprising when he was invited to paint a nine-meter high monument called ‘Cristo na Cruz’ in São Valentim do Sul.

For his artistic visual works, Millani has won the top spots in several painting contests, such as the one in Depósito de Subsistência de Santo Ângelo, Batalhão de Comunicações de Santo Ângelo, SESI’s Descobrindo Talentos and Dessiner WordPress National Contest on Realistic Drawings. Two of his paintings were even published in the book ‘Bienal Cristal de Talentos’ and one of his works was published in ACRILEX Annual Calendar.

Millani’s works are popular online and, as of now, his viewership on Instagram is a whopping 347,000 and counting!

Fabiano Millani




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