October 25, 2024

When you stay in a place surrounded by beautiful lakes, dense forests and scenic mountains, it’s but natural to imbibe nature’s beauty and express it in endearing forms. This woman from Sweden, who lives in such a beautiful place, does it in a unique way.

Meet Linda Escaron Lundqvist, who’s not a nature enthusiast, but a nature freak in its truest sense! She shares her small basement apartment with two ‘beautiful’ tarantulas and hundreds of other spiders…and she loves them all!

Linda’s lovely natural surroundings had infused creativity in her since childhood. She had to express her creativity through painting, etc. However, it was in the spring of 2013, when she discovered sculpting and immediately fell in love with it. This was like a homecoming for her.

This self-taught sculptor took two years to fabricate her first art doll – a creature with a sculpted face and feet, and a soft body. This newfound joy took her on the quest for sculpting a series of such art dolls and displaying them in natural surroundings.

Linda likes to portray her creations almost like a dare. She states, “You’ve now entered into the midst of my world…here it’ll be monsters! But, do not fret seeker of the right path, in my mind dwell both this and that, big and small, dark and light, with a lot of variety to look at. Maybe even you can find something to like…. So, step in, take a tour. I’ll not and cannot promise your safe return, but an experience of nothing alike. You up to the challenge? You dare?”

Linda doesn’t consider herself to be an artist, but, “…merely a tool in the process, because the creatures I bring into this world already exist all around us, everywhere.”

Obviously, her creative ideas come straight out of her heart and her creations have endeared all. Little wonder she enjoys a sizeable following on the social media platforms.

Linda Escaron Lundqvist Instagram

Linda Escaron Lundqvist Instagram

Linda Escaron Lundqvist Instagram

Linda Escaron Lundqvist Instagram

Linda Escaron Lundqvist Instagram

Linda Escaron Lundqvist Instagram

Linda Escaron Lundqvist Instagram

Linda Escaron Lundqvist Instagram

Linda Escaron Lundqvist Instagram

Linda Escaron Lundqvist Instagram

Linda Escaron Lundqvist

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