February 22, 2025

Image Via: <a href="https://www.instagram.com/19.xcv/">Lan/Instagram</a>

There are photographers who specialize in portrait photography or landscape photography, using their sophisticated cameras, lenses, mounts and what not. But, here’s a photographer, who goes by the name of Lân Nguyen, who holds expertise in capturing beautiful sunsets and full moons in the most creative manner. And he started off only armed with a smartphone till he graduated to using a real camera!

Nguyen’s love for photography and his desire to publicize his works was what made him adopt the Instagram platform. He started out by posting pics of normal sunsets captured with his phone. Such was his genius that the viewers simply lapped them up.

Emboldened by this unexpected success on Instagram, Nguyen decided to diversify into other photography niches, such as portrait photography and the creative photography or, as he puts it, the artsy side of photography, such as silhouettes and the like. He mastered these niches in no time.

However, Nguyen gained full recognition when his iconic ‘Moon Rose’ went viral, where he aligned the full moon on the sepals of an extended rose stalk. This was soon followed by ‘Mooncake’, where he did the same trick with a cupcake.

These successes are what led Nguyen to take his art more seriously and egged him on to improve his skills. Says he, “I’m trying to improve myself so I can create the best content I can.” And seeing his work, one just cannot doubt his claims. 

So, where does Nguyen get his inspiration from? This is what he has to say, “I get my ideas from staring at the evening skies and the night skies. Sunsets have something magical about them. But, I’m mainly thinking non-stop of the ideas during the day, irrespective of whether I am involved in my favourite sport or am out to get the groceries.”

According to Nguyen, he got his idea of creating the ‘Mooncake’, as he walked past the pastry section of a supermarket. He found a muffin in a cupcake and its round shape resembled that of the moon. His fertile and creative mind was quick associate the muffin with a full moon. The rest, as they say, is history!

Nguyen’s popularity soars on the social platforms, with Instagram alone registering a fan following of over 24,000 and counting. The secret of his success is his life’s philosophy, “I start work on something only if I can give it my 100% because I want to give all my attention and focus on it.”

More Info: Instagram

Image Via: Lan/Instagram

Image Via: Lan/Instagram

Image Via: Lan/Instagram

Image Via: Lan/Instagram

Image Via: Lan/Instagram

Image Via: Lan/Instagram

Image Via: Lan/Instagram

Image Via: Lan/Instagram

Image Via: Lan/Instagram

Image Via: Lan/Instagram

Lân | 19.xcv




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