January 22, 2025

What do you do when you want to see what you looked like when you were young? Well, you open your album or click on your personal photo folder on your laptop and see your childhood photos. But, have you ever wondered what our present-day celebrities looked like when they were young? No stretch of imagination can really make you visualize that.

However, Ard Gelinck, a Dutch artist, creates them together and posts the photos on his ‘Then & Now’ project on Instagram. And he does this in the most creative way. He makes these famous singers, actors, and models to pose before his camera and snaps them. Then, using Photoshop, he places the photo taken years ago of that particular celebrity along with the current photo, side by side, in the same frame.

This comparison certainly raises one’s curiosity as to how these famous people, especially those who have grown old, used to look during their younger days. It also demonstrates what passage of time can do to pretty and handsome faces. The album that Ard has created has certainly become a collector’s item.

On the lines of the ’10-year challenge’, a popular internet challenge that invited users to show their current and a decade-old photo, Ard’s photographic journey involves only the famous people. This makes it even more impressive and nostalgic. And it’s not only the comparison that impresses but also the way the two together are made to share the same frame. It certainly looks like two different individuals standing side by side.

Ard started ‘Then & Now’ project as a hobby wants to keep it that way. So, he doesn’t sell his creations or accept requests for personal shots of your very own ‘Then & Now’. He just wants to entertain you with his works.

Image Via: photo_time_traveling Instagram

Image Via: photo_time_traveling Instagram

Image Via: photo_time_traveling Instagram

Image Via: photo_time_traveling Instagram

Image Via: photo_time_traveling Instagram

Image Via: photo_time_traveling Instagram

Image Via: photo_time_traveling Instagram

Image Via: photo_time_traveling Instagram

Image Via: photo_time_traveling Instagram

Image Via: photo_time_traveling Instagram

Image Via: photo_time_traveling Instagram

Ard Gelinck

Website | Instagram | Then & Now Instagram



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