Aoshima, also known as Cat Island, is a Japanese island that has hundreds of felines thanks to their kind neighbors in Japan. It’s said that the number of cats outnumbers its human residents.
Cat Island in Japan is home to a large number of feral cats and people have been flocking to the island to spend time with the felines. The cats outnumber humans by ratios between 6:1 and 10:1, but as elderly inhabitants of the island have died, the ratio has greatly increased to almost 36:1.
So it’s no surprise that there are so many cats on Aoshima Island in Ehime Prefecture. The island is home to more than 120 feral cats roaming free and ruling over humans on the island — yes, literally reigning over us lowly humans.
The cats have become so popular that tourists have started flocking to Aoshima for a visit. They come on a ferry that runs twice a day from Uno Port on Teshima Island, which takes about 30 minutes each way. And they come solely for these cute little furballs! The island has no stores or cars, so if you want anything while visiting, you’ll have to bring it yourself or hope someone else brings it for you.
The story behind this island is fascinating. The cats were brought here by fishermen who used them as mouse hunters on their boats. As time passed, they started taking care of these felines and eventually brought them to the island as pets.
The cats are said to be very friendly, and even know how to pose for online videos. The tourists who come there love taking pictures and playing with the felines.
The residents on the island are also said to look after them well. They feed them regularly, provide shelter for them when needed and even make sure that no harm comes their way.
On a clear day, you can even see Ehime Prefecture’s biggest mountain when you’re on Aoshima Island. It seems like these cats have found their perfect retirement home!
Many people, both cat lovers, and non-lovers alike will probably enjoy visiting the island for the fun experience of interacting with all these cute felines. If you do plan a visit there, be sure to follow their regulations (like not releasing them into the wild or removing them from the island without permission). Most importantly, ensure that your visit will not negatively impact local residents or the cats themselves.
Aoshima Cat Island
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