
realistic paintings

Airbrush Artist Achieves Global Fame For Her Stunning Portraits

Airbrush Artist Achieves Global Fame For Her Stunning Portraits

Accidents can change the course of destiny. This has been proved by Marissa Oosterlee. This successful award-winning international artist from…

4 years ago

Oil Paintings Of South Korean Artist Are So Unbelievably Realistic As To Take One Into The Lap Of Nature

If you want to be near nature, you don’t have to even step out of your door. You only need…

4 years ago

Ultra-Realistic Spherical Canvases Of Gifted Japanese Artist Provide A 360-Degree View

Imagine a spherical mirror and visualize how it would reflect the surroundings. What Daisuke Samejima, a Japanese artist and painter,…

5 years ago

Hyper-Realistic Portrait Paintings Of This Artist Come With A Delightful Twist

Marco Grassi enjoys a following of over 400,000 fans on Instagram alone. And not without a reason. This portrait artist…

6 years ago

This Amazing Artist Draws So Realistically As To Blur The Line Between Drawing And Photography

One’s passion for art generally begins to express itself with doodling. But, Heather Rooney, an American artist, seemed to have…

6 years ago

This Amazing Artist Takes Hyper-Realism To The Next Level

God works in wondrous ways rings so true for Sergey Piskunov, a Ukrainian-born artist. Just imagine, this gifted artist did…

7 years ago

Iris Scott’s Painstaking Finger Paintings Start A New Art Movement

Imagine a girl born to two hippies living on a small farm near Seattle, Washington, both busy in earning for…

7 years ago