
paper cut artist

Paper Artist Turns Paper And Cardboard Into Incredible Works Of Art

Paper Artist Turns Paper And Cardboard Into Incredible Works Of Art

Watching Boris Ipsum turn paper and cardboard into geometrical patterns and designs is something to be seen to be believed.…

4 years ago

Architect-Turned-Artist Creates Hand-Cut Paper Maps As Works Of Art

If you look at the framed intricate paper cut creations of Karen O’Leary, the first thought that’d cross your mind…

4 years ago

This Paper Cutting Prodigy Wows All By Her Mind Boggling Paper Cut Art

The finesse with which she carves out intricate mesh from a sheet of paper is certainly mind-boggling. Seeing her work,…

6 years ago

This 3D Paper Artist Makes Her Paper Cut Characters Come Alive

Paper has been the favorite medium for artists since time immemorial, they draw on it, fold it into various shapes…

6 years ago