Unveil the enchanting realm of Guy Billout, the French artist who has taken the world of illustration by storm with…
Dain Yoon(Previous) is a talented visual artist from South Korea who has gained a massive following for her mesmerizing face…
Lee Wagstaff, an English artist, certainly has a style of his own that doesn’t fail to awe his viewers. His…
Most people who happen to look at the tattoos created by Yatzil Elizalde are left rubbing their eyes. Why? Because…
Oleg Shupliak is not your run-of-the-mill artist, who simply paints nice pictures; he’s an optical illusionist. He cleverly conceals hidden…
As if tattoo artists weren’t enough comes a makeup artist who creates 3D optical illusions on hands and faces. Meet…
Grotesque may not be the right word for what Mimi Choi does to her face and hands. But this is…