
disney characters

Artist Shares Space in His Pics with Adorable Disney Characters in Varied Fun Situations

Artist Shares Space in His Pics with Adorable Disney Characters in Varied Fun Situations

Mention Disney and the mind conjures up images of the immortal Disney characters. However, our imagination is limited only to…

3 years ago

Tattoos Of Mexican Tattoo Artist Give The Feeling Of Double Vision To Viewers

Most people who happen to look at the tattoos created by Yatzil Elizalde are left rubbing their eyes. Why? Because…

4 years ago

Greek Photographer Replaces Actors With Disney Characters In His Mash-Up Photos And Viewers Just Love It

Known actors replaced by Disney characters? Sounds weird, doesn’t it? But this is exactly what Gregory Masouras, a Greek photographer,…

5 years ago

Silhouette Cutouts Of Disney Characters Infuse A New Life Into Disney Pics

Keith Lapinig is a master at cutting silhouettes of Disney characters and superimposing them on objects and structures in Disneyland…

5 years ago

Remember Your Favorite Disney Movie? It May Not Be as Wholesome as You Thought

Living in a very contemporary world that is almost run by the meme culture, Disney characters are often made targets…

7 years ago