January 13, 2025

Skin Motion, a company based in Los Angeles, California, has given a new dimension to the traditional art of tattooing by making them ‘store’ your favorite sound bytes. If this has got you confused, read on…

It was in April 2017, when Nate Siggard hit upon the idea of creating soundwave tattoo. So revolutionary was this idea that he immediately applied for the patent. The patent for this proprietary cloud platform, meant to create personalized augmented reality soundwave tattoos, is pending.

So, what’s a soundwave tattoo? It’s simply a tattoo designed to store audio clips, which can be played back using the soundwave tattoo app. When Siggard first showcased the soundwave tattoo he had created on his skin, through a video to show how it worked, his Facebook page was viewed over 350 million times and extensively reported.

How do soundwave tattoos work is explained in Sound Motion’s FAQ page, including Skin Motion tattoo cost? Once you’ve created an account on the Sound Motion website, you’ll need to upload the audio file of up to 30 seconds that you need tattooed. The technicians at Skin Motion generate a shape of a soundwave from your audio file. After you approve its design, it’s forwarded to soundwave verified tattoo artists, who transfer it onto your skin. You can play your soundwave tattoos on your phone or tablet using the Skin Motion app.

And there’s no end to what can be stored in this 30-second worth of audio clip…message from a loved one, your favorite lyrics, motivational quotes, prayers and what’ve you! Skin Motion boasts of licensed tattoo artists on its rolls from around the globe, who’re adept at creating Soundwave Tattoos.

If you’re wondering about soundwave tattoo price, it’s all given in the Sound Motion website FAQ page. It states: “The cost of the tattoo procedure is determined by and paid to a tattoo artist from our Tattoo Artist Directory. The cost to ‘activate’ a soundwave tattoo, so that it can be played back using the Skin Motion app, is a one-time payment of $39.99 and $9.99 each year after to keep it activated.”







Skin Motion: Website | Instagram



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