February 7, 2025

In present times, when messages for social causes are being bombarded all the time by all means possible, it’s certainly difficult to make one’s message stand out from the clutter. It’s hats off to B. – yes, that’s what he likes to be called – to have taken up the cudgels for the preservation of honeybees.

There is little doubt this expert visual effects designer has created his robust social media presence as the world’s first ‘bee influencer’. And his eyeball grabbing bee portrayals include his bee flaunting her figure, doing yoga, lounging on the beach on a beach chair, and many more.

And it’s not only the photos that are so ‘aww…inspiring’, but captions too. Sample this caption in the photo of a bee rowing her boat: “I’ve only one flaw…(LOL) I don’t know how to swim!” B. uses memes as a powerful tool to convey his message ineffective and humorous manner.

B.’s flooding the social media to promote the preservation of the honey bee is akin to many other scientific non-profit organizations, such as Chicago’s Field Museum, the California Academy of Sciences, and others. The difference probably is in the way these organizations raise funds.

Whereas other organizations raise funds through increased museum attendance or sponsorships for exhibitions, B. channels his income directly from the in-house influencer. He provides a chance to large companies and organizations, that identify with B.’s brand, to promote their products using the rising-star insect, much like Hollywood celebrities endorse products.

Whatever B. collects from his bee photos are forwarded to the ‘Bee Fund’ of Fondation de France. This five-decade-old foundation was created “to fund the actions considered as the most fundamental and urgent in the protection of all species of bees.”

B. is gaining popularity with Bee Influencer Instagram enjoying a fan following of over 110,000 and counting.

Image Via: @bee_nfluencer on Instagram

Image Via: @bee_nfluencer on Instagram

Image Via: @bee_nfluencer on Instagram

Image Via: @bee_nfluencer on Instagram

Image Via: @bee_nfluencer on Instagram

Image Via: @bee_nfluencer on Instagram

Image Via: @bee_nfluencer on Instagram

Image Via: @bee_nfluencer on Instagram

Image Via: @bee_nfluencer on Instagram

Image Via: @bee_nfluencer on Instagram

bee_nfluencer: Instagram | Website



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