
Trendsetting Pretty Identical Twins Rule The Social Media

They’re identical, they’re 22-year-old, they’re beautiful and sexy to the core! Meet the twins, short for ‘Gülcanand Sahinur Twins’. These light-eyed pretty-young-things share April 30 as their birthday and Taurus as their zodiac sign.

These German-born twins love showing themselves off and are fa fashionistas in their own right, always dressed in a fashionable way. They started gaining recognition on the internet, when they posted their first picture on the Instagram in July 2015. By 2018, their Instagram fans had swelled from a few thousands to a whopping 884,000 and counting. They also have a presence on Snapchat, using the same handle as Instagram, that is,thegstwins.

With so much fame chasing them on the net, these two are absolutely honest with themselves. For them, no make-up days are the best. They emphasize that what you think of yourself is much more important that what people think of you. They advise all to be confident, be yourself and love yourself; love who you are because you are beautiful. 

When asked what their best memories are, one of them replied, “My best memories are the ones we make together.” And they are so right. Theirmost memorable picture was the one in which they stand together in black and pink in a hi-five pose with silver balloons in the background displaying the figure ‘500 K’.

Of course, they are commemorating reaching a fan following of 500,000 on Instagram in this picture. They explain, “We know it’s only a number but it makes us so happy to see that our Instagram family is growing every day.”

And why not, their smart dress choices and the attitudes they display in their photos act as a magnet for those who want to emulate them. They are certainly are eye candies. 

Not only are the two identical looking, but their thought process is identical too. For they live by the adage ‘If you can dream about something, you can also do it’.

More Info: Instagram




Deepak Mehla

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