Categories: Products

This Bracelet, Offered By Amazon, Is Designed To Break Bad Habits’

Bad habits are hard to break. When you’re young, it’s your parents who guide you towards healthy habits. However, once you grow old and become your own boss, this is the time when you’re most vulnerable to fall prey to bad habits. This is when your self-control gets severely tested. However, now you’ve helped at hand to break these bad habits.

Amazon has come out with a bracelet that warns you if you’re splurging money, eating junk food or overindulging in any other habit. The bracelet, that goes by the name of Pavlok, is a “behavior training device that works by utilizing aversive conditioning”. Aversive conditioning is behavior training that uses negative stimuli and association to declare a specific action as undesirable.

Pavlok claims to break many annoying habits, such as overeating, binging on junk food, smoking, oversleeping, excessive internet browsing, biting nails, and the like. This bracelet manages to control such urges by delivering a mild shock. The brain registers this unsavory experience and associates it with a bad habit. The bracelet helps train the mind to avoid these habits.

Selling for $199.99 on Amazon, Pavlok enjoys a three-star rating. However, it has elicited mixed reviews for its users.

Image Via: Amazon

Image Via: Amazon

Image Via: Amazon

Image Via: Amazon




Deepak Mehla

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