Image Credits: ??? ????????? Instagram
Ever tried your hand at making a sunny-side-up fried egg? Chances are you would’ve broken the yellow and ended up with a double fried egg! If you think keeping the egg yolk intact is difficult, you ought to see what this egg artist does with an egg.
Meet Michele Baldini from Mexico who is a pro when it comes to dabbling in egg whites and yolk. This 20-year-old medical student turns fried eggs into unbelievable works of art. It seems there’s nothing this amazing egg artist cannot make out of an egg. Viewers certainly get awestruck seeing his renderings of faces, animals, countries, symbols, logos and many more made entirely out of egg whites and yolk.
Baldini experiments with the egg, sometimes using egg whites and yolk separately in his works, while in others, using layers of white and yolk, such as he did in creating the Starbucks logo. Such is his expertise that he has even made Vincent Van Gogh’s ‘The Starry Night’ painting with just egg whites and yolk. For this, he first made a yolk omelet and then expertly covered it up with an egg white design to make it look like the masterpiece.
So how did Baldini get started on this unique foray? Says he, “It all started a couple of years ago when I tried to recreate a Yin Yang symbol out of a fried egg. After this, I kept getting ideas and they didn’t stop coming. Somehow the designs kept getting more elaborate. I’ve experimented with other foods and materials, but eggs are by far my favorite.”
Baldini photographs his creations on the frying pan itself. What adds appeal to these egg creations is the plain black background of the frying pan that makes these light-colored creations stand out in contrast.
Such is the popularity of Baldini’s fried egg breakfasts that they have gone viral on the social media. His Instagram account, that goes by his username ‘The Eggshibit’, started with 7,000 followers. Today it enjoys a following of over 99,000 fans that continue to grow.

The Eggshibit