Categories: ArtsPower Of Women's

This Amazing Woman Creates Cartoon Characters On Her Lips Through Make-Up, Calls It Lip Art

Would wonders never cease? First it was the eyebrows that were formed into Christmas trees, then there was full face make-up to get transposed into celebrities and now this woman is giving ‘lip service’ to her lips through lip art to create portraits on her face!

Meet cartoon lip artist Laura Jenkinson, who uses theatrical make-up and lipstick to create famous cartoons, such as Roger Rabbit, Lion King and the like on her lips and face. Suffice to say this lip art has garnered her a large internet following.

Jenkinson got inspired by other amazing make-up artists that she saw on the social media. Says she, “I’d seen loads of other fantastic make-up artists on Instagram and I wanted to do something similar and on a bigger scale. So, I started doing about one a week.”

How Jenkinson carries out her lip art is also quite intriguing. She explains, “I find a picture and then just hold it up to the mirror as a guide and draw straight onto my face. It’s easier than you think!”

Jenkinson’s expertise doesn’t lie in what she creates on her lips and face, but on her gift of visualization that has set the social media on fire.

Image Via: Laura Jenkinson

Image Via: Laura Jenkinson

Image Via: Laura Jenkinson

Image Via: Laura Jenkinson

Image Via: Laura Jenkinson

Image Via: Laura Jenkinson

Image Via: Laura Jenkinson

Image Via: Laura Jenkinson

Image Via: Laura Jenkinson

Image Via: Laura Jenkinson

Laura Jenkinson




Deepak Mehla

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