

An Artist With No Hands Is Making Waves On The Social Media

An Artist With No Hands Is Making Waves On The Social Media

It is often said that if God closes one door, it opens another. This rings so true in case of…

7 years ago

Tragic accident made her even more ‘Brave’ ….‘I’ve survived. Now what?’”

Life sometimes sure let you speechless with it's planning for you. Either you may hit the fortune or end up…

7 years ago

Saving Humanity Bit by Bit

Road rage is not a new scenario in our daily life, showing how intolerance we are becoming day by day.In…

7 years ago

A Man Without Arms And Legs Rekindles Love For Jesus Christ In People All Over The World

It is certainly difficult to imagine anyone surviving in this world without arms and legs. One would certainly shudder at…

7 years ago

A Privately Owned Indian Wildlife Sanctuary Helps Preserve The Environment

Did you know that there is a privately-owned wildlife sanctuary in India? Hard to believe, but it is true. Sai…

7 years ago

McDonald’s Bids Adieu To Worker With Down’s Syndrome After 33 Years Of Loyal Service

A period of 33 years is good enough for anybody to serve an organization. But someone serving it with Down’s…

7 years ago

Tormented For Ugly Birthmarks, This Girl Turned The Tables On Them!

It is really a curse to be born with any peculiar bodily condition in this mean and heartless world. You…

7 years ago

Blind Google Lawyer Enjoys Unimaginable Adventurous Lifestyle

No physical impairment can come in the way of success if you have the skills and the drive to achieve…

7 years ago