

The Intricate Line Work Of This Doodle Artist Is Enthralling The World

The Intricate Line Work Of This Doodle Artist Is Enthralling The World

With over 990,000 followers on Instagram alone, Kerby Rosanes is an established name on social media. The claim to fame…

6 years ago

This Swiss Animal Lover Left A Well-Paying Job And Easy Life To Be With African Wild Animals

People adore wild animals and love them, but here’s an animal lover, who has made it his mission to bring…

6 years ago

Items Offered By CTOOM On The Internet Are Both Creative And Innovative

CTOOM? The name doesn’t really conjure up anyone or anything related to China. But it is. To be precise, it…

6 years ago

This Master Of Magic Realism Left His Unique Paintings For The World To Celebrate

When you see the paintings of painters, you normally notice their composition, color combination and what the painting really portrays.…

6 years ago

Celebrities Snapped With Their Younger Selves In The Same Frame? See For yourself!

What do you do when you want to see what you looked like when you were young? Well, you open…

6 years ago

An Ice Cube With Human Feelings Is All Set To Melt Your Heart

Peng Ven Wong’s resolve to create something that the world will fall in love with was perhaps what lifted him…

6 years ago

This Super-Mom,Having A Finger In Every Pie, Admirably Balances Her Work And Family

This mom wears many hats. When she’s not creating art out of the litter found strewn around, she’s posing with…

6 years ago

This Artist Offers Unique Wedding Dresses Dyed In Vibrant Colors

What can you say of a girl, who is intensely passionate about art of every kind? Who declares, “Sculpting is…

6 years ago

This Master Body Painter Wows All By Her Unique Body Art

She can turn anyone into a bird or an animal and even into an object. She can even transform them…

6 years ago

This Polish Artist With No Arms Earns Fame Sketching Stunning Portraits

Inspirational stories of people with handicaps and debilitating conditions, who distinguished themselves in their chosen fields by overcoming their disabilities,…

6 years ago